Rupielts HomeInformal Letters

IELTS Letter writing

A letter written for personal purpose is known as an informal letter For example: letter to friends or family members. This type of letter should have an informal tone throughout.

  • The letter should be started with an opening salutation (Dear Mary).
  • The contents of the letter can be divided into 3 paragraphs.
  • The letter should be completed with a closing salutation (Yours lovingly). 
Dear Mary,

I hope you and your family is doing well.

I am writing to …….(purpose of the letter)………………

…………….Elaborate first point of the question………..

…………….Elaborate second point of the question……….

…………….Elaborate third point of the question………..

Yours lovingly,
Margaret Smith

IELTS Informal letter example:

One of your friends recently had a birthday celebration, but you missed it and you forgot to tell your friend that you could not attend. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

  •  Apologize for missing the birthday celebration
  • Explain why you missed it and why you didn’t tell your friend
  • And say what you would like to do to show that you are sorry
Dear Harry,

Belated happy birthday to you!

I am writing to say sorry for not being with you on your special day. I understand your displeasure in this regard but the circumstances were unavoidable.

On that day, when I was about to leave for your birthday celebration, I got a call from my neighbor saying that his son has got injured while playing with children and he wanted me to take them to the hospital. I could not deny and did what was required in that situation. In such an emergency, I could not even call you to tell that I am not coming.

I hope you will understand my situation and forgive me. However, in order to compensate this, I have arranged a dance party at my place on next Saturday at 8:00 pm. I’ve invited all our college friends at the party. I will be eagerly waiting for you!

Yours lovingly,

Margaret Smith